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正好的英文翻译 正好英文怎幺说 正好的英文例句




    just (in time)
    just right
    just enough

just [dʒʌst]

    adj.正义的,公正的,正确的,应得的,有充分根据的 adv.正好,仅仅,刚才,只是,不过

time [taim]

    n.时间,时侯,时机,节拍,期限,次数,时期,比赛限时 vt.安排...的时间,记录...的时间,计时,定时 vi.打拍子,(...)合拍 adj.时间的,记时的,定时的,定期的,分期的

right [rait]

    n.正义,公正,正确,权利,右边,右派 adj.正当的,正确的,对的,合适的,恰当的,健康的,健全的,正面的 adv.正当地,正确地,一直地,直接地,完全地,彻底地,在右边


现在一个戴貂皮无沿帽的女人和一个穿灰衣服的先生正好在她面前相遇了。And now an ermine toque and a gentleman in grey met just in front of her.一发正好九颗子弹Standard shot is nine pellets.有一次,他给绊了一跤,正好摔到一个松鸡窝里。And stumbling once he fell squarely into a ptarmigan nest.又及,一本有一个能唤起好奇心的名字theworldthatcameinfromthecold的书正好吸引了我的注意力。Ps a book with the curious title the world that came in from the cold has just caught my eye.真正好的音乐作品永远不会过时。Really good pieces of music will never get out of date.正好穿过西面的山脊。Just past that western ridge.正好可以见见carla和shayIt'd be a good time to meet carla and shay.正好权相宇决定演出的电视剧决定播放时间是11月,有空暇可以拍摄电影。As ksw's drama will only start broadcasting in nov he has the timeslot to film the movie.正好一辆巡逻车开过As the patrol car went by.正好有个空闲的埠We have a socket open.正好在这个红细胞的下方有一个有核红细胞。There is also a nucleated rbc just beneath this rbc.正好在棕榈海滩附近的河里In the river right near palm beach.


做得正好 do well to

同...正好相反 in diametric contradiction to

大小正好合适 of the right magnitude

来得正好 came pat; come pat

正好 exactly

正好在中央 right in the center

正好在临界状态下 just critical

正好平衡 in exact balance

正好是 nothing else but; nothing else than

正好现在 right now

