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超级市场的英文翻译 超级市场英文怎幺说 超级市场的英文例句





supermarket [su:pәma:kit]



在超级市场上,那对恋人真是情意绵绵。That couple are sure lovey-dovey at the supermarket.超级市场要经常地补充商品库存。The supermarkets have to replenish their stock of goods very regularly.当年给百佳pk超级市场设计的一张电脑台。That year give a computer set that pk supermarkets design.广场的一侧是一家超级市场;另一侧是市政厅。The square is flanked by a super market and the city hall.菲和汤姆在一家超级市场?搢ㄓ个女人在斥駡她的小孩。Fay and tom see a woman scold her child in a supermarket.该连锁超级市场与一家日本商行签订了协议。The supermarket chain has signed an agreement with a japanese trading company.经常上当地的超级市场购物Trades at the local supermarket.请问这儿有超级市场吗?Is there a supermarket here?我刚去了趟超级市场,我想贮存一些必需品。I was just at the supermarket. I wanted to stock up.在超级市场购物很容易。Shoppingis easy in a supermarket.这家新的大型超级市场什幺时候开始投入使用?When will the new superstore be open?这里好像恐怖分子的超级市场It's like a terrorist supermarket.中国物美价廉的製成品源源不断地走上美国超级市场的货架。Chinese manufactured goods with high-quality and low-price are flowing to america's supermarkets.


不虚饰超级市场 no frill super market

供应超级市场批发商 rack jobber

供应超级市场的批发商 rack jobber

分部门的超级市场 departmentized supermarket

厂内超级市场 in house supermarhet

合作超级市场 cooperative supermarket

大型超级市场 hypermarket

小型超级市场 superette

小规模的超级市场 supersette

巨型超级市场 hypermarket

折扣超级市场 discount supermarket

无人管理超级市场 automatic supermarket

电脑化超级市场,电子电脑化的超级市场 Call-A-Mart

自动化超级市场 automatic supermarket

超级市场 supermarket; hypermarket

