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争辩的英文翻译 争辩英文怎幺说 争辩的英文例句




    a dispute
    to wrangle

dispute [di'spju:t]

    v.争论,辩论,怀疑,抗拒,阻止,争夺(土地,胜利等) n.争论,辩论,争吵

wrangle [ræŋg(ә)l]

    vi.争论,争吵,口角 vt.辩驳,放牧 n.口角,吵嘴


她是一位具有无可争辩才华的妇女。She's a woman of undeniable brilliance.她无可争辩的美貌引起了人们的羡慕与讚歎。Her undisputed good looks caused envy and admiration.我不得不说你的争辩是自相矛盾的。I have to say I find your argument self-contradictory.我今晚不想与你争辩。I'm not going to argue with you tonight.无可争辩的冠军、优胜者等The undisputed champion winner etc以他往常的精力争辩;Arguing with his usual vim;与那个人争辩是无益的。It is useless to argue with that man.这些标记是红斑,他是在某些邪恶力量的驱使下着魔的,”另外一个争辩说。The markings are stigmata he is possessed by something unholy "argued another.这一案件的事实是无可争辩的。The facts of the case are undisputed.


不予争辩 nolo contendere

不可争辩 beyond dispute; incontestable; undeniable

不可争辩的动议 undebatable motion

与...进行争辩 expostulate with

为反对...而争辩 argue against

争辩 chop logic; chopped logic

争辩琐屑的事 quibble about; quibble over

就...进行争辩 expostulate about

无可争辩 indisputableness; without controversy

无可争辩的事实 indisputable fact; undisputable fact

无可争辩的能力 undeniable ability

无右争辩的事实 home truth

无法争辩的论据 unanswerable argument

法庭上的争辩 gowned war

