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雄心的英文翻译 雄心英文怎幺说 雄心的英文例句



[xióng xīn]

    great ambition
    lofty aspiration

great [greit]

    adj.伟大的,大的,强烈的,非常的,主要的,大写的,重大的,崇高的 adv.顺利地,得意地 n.全部,大人物,大师

ambition [æm'biʃ(ә)n]


lofty [lɔfti; (-) 'lɔ:fti]


aspiration [æspә'reiʃ(ә)n]



充满爱国主义精神、雄心勃勃、满怀爱心Imbued with patriotism ambition love etc对于奇瑞而言,危险在于,合作关係可能会扼杀它的雄心壮志。The danger for chery is that the tie-up smothers its own ambitions.李玉和被投入大牢,但他的雄心壮志是关不住的。Li yuhe was put into the prison but his ambition was unchained.没有什幺能减弱她的雄心。Nothing could weaken her ambition.然而,它并不想放弃自己的雄心壮志。Yet it has refused to scale down its ambitions.他曾想与吉朋和蒙森齐名。这雄心无疑是高尚的,然而如今只是一场空。Vain was that ambition surely not an ignoble one to set his name beside those of gibbon and mommsen.现在,你可能问:基金的评委们为什幺那幺没有雄心壮志?Now you might ask why are funders so unambitious?有些雄心勃勃的殖民者不明智地把欧洲兔引了进来。Enterprising settlers unwisely introduced the european rabbit.自负的雄心、虚荣、骄傲等。Overweening ambition vanity pride etc


怀有雄心壮志 hitch one''s wagon to a star

扼杀...的雄心 clipped her wings; clipped his wings; clipped my wings; clipped our wings; clipped their wings; clipped your wings

扼杀的雄心 clip her wings; clip his wings; clip my wings; clip our wings; clip their wings; clip your wings

有...的雄心 aspire after; aspire to

有雄心 lift up his horn; lift up my horn; lift up our horn; lift up the horn; lift up their horn; lift up your horn

有雄心大志 fly high

