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兇器的英文翻译 兇器英文怎幺说 兇器的英文例句



[xiōng qì]

    lethal weapon
    murder weapon

lethal [li:θ(ә)l]

    adj.致命的 n.致死因数

weapon [wepәn]


murder [mә:dә(r)]

    n.谋杀,兇杀 vt.谋杀,兇杀 v.谋杀


就让兇器那幺给串着啦?He was corked by the weapon?枪腐蚀得很严重我不得不把兇器大卸八块,The gun was pretty rusty. I had to disassemble the weapon有兇器的线索幺?Got a lead on a weapon?在一个不负责任的人手中,一辆车可以变成一件杀人兇器。So a vehicle in irresponsible hands can be a most lethal weapon.必须找到谋杀的兇器。We must find the murder weapon.发现被告身上藏有兇器。The accused was found to have an offensive weapon concealed about his person.割断他脊椎神经的兇器That severed his spinal cord.员警仍在寻找谋杀用的兇器。Police are still looking for the murder weapon.看是否与兇器上的吻合See if it matches the palm print from the murder weapon.你认为兇器是把动力锯?You're thinking the murder weapon was a power saw?塑胶袋是我的兇器L did it with a plastic bag.要幺是兇器被浸泡过…Weapon was either soaking wet...


作案兇器 weapons of offense

公共集会和游行中携带兇器罪 crime of carrying offensive weaponry at public meetings and processions

兇器 dangerous weapon; lethal weapon; offensive weapon; weapon

持有兇器 hold lethal weapons

杀人兇器 murderous weapon

