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嘲的英文翻译 嘲英文怎幺说 嘲的英文例句



    to ridicule
    to mock

ridicule [ridikju:l]

    n.嘲笑,奚落 v.嘲笑,奚落

mock [mɔk]

    v.嘲笑,骗,挫败,嘲弄 adj.假的 n.嘲弄,模仿,仿製品


他们把他嘲弄了一番。They made a mockery of him.他那嘲弄的目光,在温斯顿脸上转来转去。His mocking eyes roved over winston's face.他厌倦了受到嘲笑。He's sick of getting shafted.她嘲笑他,他随之离去。She laughed at him whereupon he walked out.她嘲笑他外行的经营方式。She jibed at the way he ran his business in such an unprofessional manner.她的小说嘲弄上流社会。Her novels poke fun at the upper class.她看见他转过头来嘲笑她。She saw him laughing overshoulder at her.她那屈尊俯就的嘲笑使我怒火中烧。Her patronizing sarcasm made my blood boil.剃刀的刀口以它的锋利自傲,当它向太阳嘲笑时。The razor-blade is proud of its keenness when is sneers at the sun.以一种开玩笑地嘲弄的方式。In a playfully teasing manner.在学校他的同学认为他是乡下佬并嘲笑他的乡村的怪习惯。At school his classmates regarded him as a yokel and laughed at his rustic mannerisms.


向...表示嘲笑 take a sight at; take a sight of; taken a sight at; taken a sight of; took a sight at; took a sight of

嘲弄 flout; gibe; had a shy at; held in derision; took the mickey

嘲笑 took the mickey

嘲笑的对象 derision

嘲讽 take the mike out of; taken the mick out of

在...方面嘲弄 banter about; banter on

爱嘲弄的人 disciple of momus; son of momus

用嘲笑的方式哄走 jeer off

被...嘲笑 be the derision of

被嘲笑 be in derision

