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信用贷款的英文翻译 信用贷款英文怎幺说 信用贷款的英文例句



[xìnyòng dàikuǎn]

    fiduciary loan;loan on credit;open fiduciary loan;credit loan;fiduciary debt;debt of honor;unsecured loan;character loan;straight loan;open credit

fiduciary [fi'dju:ʃәri]

    adj.基于信用的,信託的,受信託的 n.被信託者,受託人

loan [lәun]

    n.(借出的)贷款,借出 v.借,借给

credit [kredit]

    n.信任,信用,声望,荣誉,[财务]贷方,银行存款 vt.相信,信任,把...归给

open [әupәn]

    n.公开,户外,空旷 adj.开着的,敞开的,(车等)无篷的,开阔的,营业着的,公开的,坦率的,未决定的 vt.打开,公开,开放 vi.展开,开始,展现


信用贷款不断增加而未受限制The use of credit continues/grows unchecked.此人对2,000英镑以下的信用贷款是否会发生问题,敬请助我一言为荷。It will help me if you can kindly let me know if you think he is worthy of credit up to say£2,000.我不得不答应他的条件,因为他胁迫着我,威胁说要撤销他提供我们的信用贷款。I had to consent to his terms, because he held a pistol


不增加信用贷款 no more credit

信用贷款 fiduciary loan; loan without collateral security

信用贷款,信用放款,信用借款 fiduciary loan; character loan; loan on credit; credit loan; straight loan; open credit; debt of honor; unsecured loan; fiduciary debt; open fiduciary loan

信用贷款基金 credit fund

信用贷款申请单 credit application form

全国信用贷款协会 National Institute of Credit NIC)

冻结信用贷款 frozen credit

出口商信用贷款 supplier''s credit; supplier''s loan

国际货币基金组织的信用贷款 credit tranche

定期信用贷款,定期信用放款 fixed loan unsecured

无担保信用贷款 open credit

辅助信用贷款 subsidiary credit

