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正传的英文翻译 正传英文怎幺说 正传的英文例句



[zhèng chuán]

    main subject of long novel
    true biography

main [mein]

    n.主要部分,体力,力量,大陆,要点,干线 adj.主要的,重要的,全力的 n.[计] 主群组

subject [sәb'dʒekt]

    n.题目,主题,科目,学科,国民,[语法]主语 adj.受他国统治的,未独立的,受制于...的,受...影响的,以...为条件的 vt.使屈从于...,使隶属

long [lɔŋ; (-) lɔ:ŋ]

    adj.长的,长期的,做多头的,高的 vi.渴望,热望 adv.长期地,始终 n.长时间,(市场上)做多头的人,[语音]长音节

novel [nɔv(ә)l]

    n.小说,长篇故事 adj.新奇的,新颖的,异常的

TRUE [tru]

    adv 1 truly 真实地; 确实地: She spoke truer than she knew. 她说的比她了解的更接近事实. 2 accurately 準确地; 精确地: The arrow flew straight and true to its mark. 那箭不偏不斜地直朝目标飞去

biography [bai'ɔgrәfi]



让我们言归正传。Let's get to the point.让我们言归正传吧。Let's get down to business.开始办正事,言归正传,To get down to business閑言少说,书归正传。Cut short the nonsense and return to your muttons.现在我们言归正传,谈谈马克斯的信吧。So now to return again to our muttons max's letter.咱们言归正传,这个问题我想说几句。Let's return to our muttons. I'd like to say something about this issue.


言归正传 come back to; get to business; got to business; gotten to business; jesting apart; joking apart; resume the thread of her owdiscourse; resume the thread of his owdiscourse; resume the thread of my owndiscourse; to return from the digression

通量校正传输法 flux-corrected transport method

