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    long queue

long [lɔŋ; (-) lɔ:ŋ]

    adj.长的,长期的,做多头的,高的 vi.渴望,热望 adv.长期地,始终 n.长时间,(市场上)做多头的人,[语音]长音节

queue [kju:]

    n.行列,长队,伫列 vi.排队,排队等待


当我在商场站队排长龙,,,When I? M standing in a long line at a store?当这些学生们到达餐厅时,排队等开饭的人们已排成一条长龙了。The chow line was already long when the students got to the dining hall.行李提领柜檯前大排长龙。There is a long line in front of the baggage claim counter.来领米的穷人排成了长龙。There was a long line of poor people waiting to get a portion of the rice.乔希和珊妮看到一家商店外面排了一条长龙。Josh and sunny see a long line of people outside a store.全区间积分的定步长龙格-库塔法The entire sector integral decides the step of long line standard-storehouse tower process售票窗口可能会大排长龙。There could be a long line at the ticket window.是的,那时候交通总是大排长龙。Right.traffic is always bumper-to-bumper then.一路上车子大排长龙。It's bumper-to-bumper all the way.

