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震颤的英文翻译 震颤英文怎幺说 震颤的英文例句




    to tremble
    to quiver

tremble [tremb(ә)l]

    n.战慄,颤抖 vi.战慄,发抖,震动,(树叶等)摇晃.摇动,焦虑 vt.挥动,用颤抖的声音说出

quiver [kwivә(r)]

    n.震动,颤抖,箭袋,箭袋中的箭 vi.颤抖,振动,射中 vt.使颤动 adj.敏捷的


使…震撼使…吃惊或骚乱;使…震颤To startle or unsettle; shock.他的牙齿因冷而震颤发声。His teeth chattered with cold.特发性震颤有无好的治疗方法?Does essential tremor have new therapeutic method?早期心包炎也会产生一种摩擦性震颤。Early pericarditis may also produce a friction thrill.震颤,心悸,静脉曲张,Tremors heart palpitations varicose veins震音一种由急速的重複一上单音而形成的震颤效果A tremulous effect produced by rapid repetition of a single tone.


不规则眼球震颤 irregular nystagmus

中枢性眼球震颤 central nystagmus

中毒性眼球震颤 toxic nystagmus

先天性眼球震颤 congenital nystagmus

凝视性眼球震颤 fixation nystagmus

动作性震颤 kinetic tremor

垂直性眼球震颤 vertical nystagmus

弱视性眼球震颤 amblyopic nystagmus

律动性眼球震颤 rhythmical nystagmus

意向性震颤 intentional tremor

扑翼样震颤 asterixis

抗震颤麻痹药 antiparkinsonian drug

撚丸样震颤 pill rolling tremor

摆动性眼球震颤 pendular nystagmus

旋转性眼球震颤 rotatory nystagmus

机械震颤按摩法 tremolomassage

水準性眼球震颤 horizontal nystagmus

特发性震颤 essential tremor

生理性眼球震颤 physiological nystagmus

病理性眼球震颤 pathological nystagmus

眼性眼球震颤 ocular nystagmus

眼球微震颤 eye microtremor

眼球震颤 nystagmus, NY

眼球震颤描记器 electronystagmograph nystagmograph

眼球震颤样跳动 nystagmoid jerking

眼球震颤电流描记仪 electronystagmograph, ENG

眼球震颤电流描记图 electronystagmogram

眼球震颤电流描记法 electronystagmography, ENG

眼震颤 nystagmus

眼震颤描记仪 nystagmograph

