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针叶的英文翻译 针叶英文怎幺说 针叶的英文例句



[zhēn yè]

    needle-leaved (tree)

tree [tri:]

    n.树,木料,树状物 vt.赶上树 n.[计] 显示驱动器的子目录结构 vi.爬上树,逃上树


亚洲和北美金钟柏属针叶树种。Any of several asian and north american conifers of the genera thuja and thujopsis.有刺激性气味的针叶树叶和白花的灌木;分布在澳大利亚东部。Shrub with pungent rigid needle-shaped leaves and white flowers; eastern australia.摘要:拼花地板用针叶木块原材。一般特性。Coniferous wood raw parquet blocks; general characteristics.针叶灌木类,如刺柏、松树、紫杉等Conifer shrub style such as juniper pine yew etc.针叶类树包括松树、杉树、云杉、红木、雪松,等等。Conifer tree style such as pine fir spruce redwood cedar etc.针叶树篱,如紫杉、刺柏、红木等。Conifer hedge such as yew juniper redwood etc.种植松树或针叶林的林场。An area planted with pine trees or related conifers.


亚当针叶纤维 Adam''s needle

寒温带针叶林 boreal forest

棕色针叶林土 brown coniferous forest soil寒温带山地针叶林下冻融回流淋澱型夏季表层解冻时,铁、铝随下行水流淋 澱;秋季表层开始结冻时,随上行水流表聚)棕色土壤。

针叶 needle

针叶木 needle leaf wood

针叶材 softwood, coniferous wood, needle wood又称"软材"。

针叶林 coniferous forest

针叶树 conifer; softwood

针叶树害虫 pests of coniferous trees

针叶树材 softwood

针叶植物 needleleaved plant

针叶锈病 needle rust

