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长满的英文翻译 长满英文怎幺说 长满的英文例句



[cháng mǎn]

    to grow all over

grow [grәu]

    vi.生长,成长,渐渐变得,增长,增高 vt.种植,栽培,培育

all [ɔ:l]

    adj.全部的,所有的,整个的 adv.完全,更加,越发 pron.全部

over [әuvә(r)]

    adv.结束,越过,从头到尾 prep.在...之上,越过 adj.上面的 vt.额外的东西,越过 n.额外的东西


那把已经废弃的铜壶上长满了铜锈。Verdigris has spread all over that abandoned copper pot.他皮肤上长满了难看的疹块。His skin was covered with unsightly blotches.他在长满荆棘的小道上行走时擦破了腿上的皮。He skinned his legs when walking along the thorny path.它们的墙上长满了花朵和藓苔,All overgrown with azure moss and flowers它们会迅速长满一块田地,对农作物造成破坏。Resistant weeds could quickly overgrow a field destroying the crop.倘若种子不好而且长满了杂草,我们就会徒劳无获。If our seed is poor and full of weeds we reap a useless crop.天花板上长满了霉菌。The ceiling was covered in mold.峡谷那阳光照耀的斜坡;长满紫罗兰的山谷和阳光照耀的山脊--华莱士•斯坦格勒。The sunlit slopes of the canyon; violet valleys and the sunstruck ridges-wallace stegner.想要找到北方,你就寻找树上长满苔藓的一面... In order to find north you look for the side of the tree with the moss on it.小径长满了野草。The path grew with weeds.长满青苔的鹅卵石;A boulder mantled with moss;长满树木的山坡,在秋季红如火焰Wooded hillsides that flame red in autumn长满长满,如无用的植物或杂草To become grown over as with unwanted vegetation or weeds.


长满 clothe in; grow over

长满...植物 grow over with

长满常春藤的 ivied

长满草的 grassy shore

