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chaste [tʃeist]



我是个规矩守礼,贞淑贤慧的小姑娘,我一向的性格也的确是这幺好。I had the character of a very sober modest and virtuous young woman and such I had always been.我受尽了一个男人的痛苦,妻子既不温和又不贞洁。I suffered all the agonies of a man bound to a wife with one is seemed temperate and unchaste.现在你才是在逃的孔贞悯Is that now you're kwon jeong-min on the run.也许是为了保持她们的男人的贞洁Perhaps it is to keep their menfolk virtuous.余贞勇,固体火箭发动机翼槽内火焰传播机理研究,西北工业大学博士论文,2000。3。A.ciucci et al.numerical analysis of ignition transients in solid rocket motors.在过去的一年里,安贞桓效力过法甲的梅斯队,和德国的杜伊斯堡。12after Sot in the past year ahn's had spells with metz in france and with duisburg here in germany.这些都不符合我们所知道的北萨里郡及女贞路。These do not match with north surrey and privet drive as we know it.挣脱贞节的枷锁释放你自己…Wrest yourselves free from the tyranny of virtue...


女贞子 fructus ligustri lucidi fruit of glossy privet glossy privet fruit ligustrum japonicum,thunb lig

编织长方格贞绒布外长衣 woven plaid gingham dress

贞居期 dum casta vixerit

贞操义务 duty of chastity

贞操权 right to chastity; right of virginity

长方格贞鹹布西式衬衫 Western-made shirt in plaid gingham

