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掺杂的英文翻译 掺杂英文怎幺说 掺杂的英文例句



[chān zá]

    to mix
    to blend
    to dilute

mix [miks]

    v.使混和,混淆,混合 n.混合

blend [blend]

    vt.混和 n.混和


她们正在採摘粉红色的雏菊和紫红色的紫藤,打算再摘些柑橘花柠檬花掺杂在一起。They were gathering the pink sulla purple wisteria mixing them with orange and lemon blossoms.钨掺杂铊蓝青铜中电荷密度波的低频钉扎The low frequency pinning of cdw in w doped thallium blue bronze tl0.3mo0.99w0.01o3研究了si在alxga1-xas(0≤x≤1)中的掺杂行为。The doping behavior of si in algaas with alas mole fraction from0to1was reported.


中子嬗变掺杂 neutron transmutation doping, NTD

体掺杂红外探测器 bulk doped infrared detector

光掺杂 photodoping

单掺杂雷射器 single-doped laser

单掺杂镭射棒 single-doped laser rod

单晶硅中子嬗变掺杂技术 neutron transmutation doping of monocrystalline silicon

双掺杂电晶体 double dope transistor

外来物质掺杂致损 damaged caused by other extraneous substances

将...掺杂进 scatter with

掺杂 doping

掺杂使假 diluting or packing of goods

掺杂元素 doped chemical

掺杂光电检测器 doped photoconductor detector

掺杂剂 dopant

掺杂剂蒸发器 dope-vapourizer

掺杂均匀度 implant uniformity

掺杂多晶硅扩散 doped polycrystalline silicon iffusion

掺杂效应 doping effect; impurity effects

掺杂晶体 doped crystal

掺杂晶体雷射器 doped crystal laser

掺杂氧化物扩散 doped oxide diffusion

掺杂的 impure

掺杂石英渐变型光纤 doped-silica graded fiber

掺杂石英玻璃 doped silica glass

掺杂紧包黄麻 bombays

掺杂能量 implant energy

自动掺杂 auto dope

自动掺杂作用 auto doping

自掺杂 autodoping

调製掺杂场效电晶体 modulation-doped field effect transistor, MODFET

