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产期的英文翻译 产期英文怎幺说 产期的英文例句



[chǎn qī]

    time of birth
    period of labor

time [taim]

    n.时间,时侯,时机,节拍,期限,次数,时期,比赛限时 vt.安排...的时间,记录...的时间,计时,定时 vi.打拍子,(...)合拍 adj.时间的,记时的,定时的,定期的,分期的

birth [bә:θ]


period [piәriәd]

    n.时期,学时,节,句点,週期,(妇女的)经期 adj.过去某段时期的 int.没有了

labor [leibә(r)]

    n.劳动,努力,工作,劳工,分娩,阵痛 vi.劳动,努力争取(for),苦干 vt.详细分析,麻烦


她必须引产因为分娩比预产期晚了四个星期。She has to be induced in childbirth because the baby was four weeks late.围产期窒息儿脑损伤的产生及其相关因素分析The analysis of brain damage occourance to asphyxiate perinatal and its related factors患者于1995年10月妊娠。预产期为1996年7月9日。She became pregnant in oct.1995.the calculated edc was july91996.结果子痫组剖宫产、孕产期併发症及围产儿病死率明显高于非子痫组。Results the rate of eclampsia group were higer than those in noeclampsia group.预产期在9月4号,劳动节。I'm due september4 labor day.发生在34孕周以前的重度先兆子痫有高围产期死亡率和患病率。Seere preeclampsia that deelops at perinatal mortality and morbidity rates.说明拉米夫定治疗不能阻断所有新生儿围产期的母婴传播。Lamivudine therapy might not prevent perinatal transmission of hbv infection in every newborn.围产期死亡率;围产期护理。Perinatal mortality; perinatal care.


产期津贴 maternity benefit

关井前稳定生产期 pre-shut-in constant-rate period

再生产期 reproduction period

出产期 output time

围产期监护仪 perinatal monitor

平均生产期 average production period

平均生产期,平均生产週期 average period of production; average production period

投产期 startup time

投产期 startup time

稳产期採收率 recovery at stable production phase

达产期 full production capacity period

非生产期间 non productive periods

预产期 expected date of confinement, EDC

