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遮盖的英文翻译 遮盖英文怎幺说 遮盖的英文例句




    to hide
    to cover (one's tracks)

hide [haid]

    n.兽皮,皮革 v.剥...的皮,痛打,隐藏,掩藏,隐瞒,掩饰

cover [kʌvә(r)]

    n.盖子,封面,藉口 vt.覆盖,铺,掩饰,保护,掩护,包括,包含,适用 vi.覆盖,涂,代替

one [wʌn]

    pron.一个人,任何人,一方 num.一,一个 adj.一方的,某一,同样的




两岁以下的儿童胸腺常常遮盖上部分心血管边缘。In children under the age of two years the thymus often obscures the upper cardiovascular borders.密云将他遮盖,使他不能看见;他周游穹苍。Thick clouds veil him so he does not see us as he goes about in the vaulted heavens.赛50:3我使诸天以黑暗为衣服、以麻布为遮盖。I clothe the heavens with blackness and make sackcloth their covering.石匠用来遮盖墙的粘结剂。Used as a bond in masonry or for covering a wall.室外存放时须用防雨布遮盖。2waterproof Cloth must be used when stored in open-air.鞋或靴用来遮盖脚跟并连接鞋面的部分。The part of a shoe or boot covering the heel and joining the vamp.用防雨布遮盖活顶支架範围内的车内部。Cover the interior in the area of the convertible top rest with a tarpaulin.在一条无遮盖的船上漂蕩了好几个星期,倖存的船员们瘦得只剩下皮包骨头。Weeks in an open boat had reduced the surviving crew members to skin and bones.只有日轮外部细环未被遮盖的一种日食。Only a thin outer disk of the sun can be seen.


交替遮盖试验 alternative cover test

内遮盖 n. inside lap

常规遮盖法 conventional occlusion

房屋墙外遮盖 blind area

拉下遮盖 draw over; drew over

无遮盖火焰 open flame

滴水遮盖 n. drip cover

用...来遮盖 hide with

遮盖 cast over; grow over; swarm over; swarm through

遮盖-不遮盖试验 coveruncover test

遮盖性弱视 occlusion amblyopia

遮盖片 opaque disk

遮盖试验 cover test

附加遮盖快门 auxiliary capping shutter

