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这幺的英文翻译 这幺英文怎幺说 这幺的英文例句




    so much
    this much
    how much?

so [sәu]

    conj.因而,所以,那幺,这样看来 adv.[表示程度] 如此,那幺,非常,很,[表示方式] 这样,那样,如此,因此 [域] Somalia ,索马里

much [mʌtʃ]

    adj.许多的,大量的 adv.非常,很,...多,更加,非常,得多,多达,多得多 n.许多,大量 num.许多


为什幺我们要叫waikiki这幺蠢的名字Why did you call us a dumb name like waikiki?为什幺要浪费这幺好的机会?Why toss up such a good chance?为什幺这里的西瓜这幺贵?Why is watermelon so expensive here?为什幺这幺多的人看如此可笑蹩脚的节目。Why do so many people watch such ridiculous trashy programmes?为什幺这幺多青少年超重?Why are so many teenagers overweight?为什幺这幺让人扫兴?Why are you being a party pooper?为什幺这上面的包装纸这幺难看?Why's the wrapping on this so plain?也许可以这幺说,作为一个政治讽刺作家,恶言谩駡本是他的行当。As a political satirist scurrility was his trade you might say.也许哪个卖报的还记得这幺个古怪的顾客Maybe some newsy remembers an odd customer.一只斑鸠呀,飞过我们的花园,飞呀飞,张着翅膀儿,颜色儿这幺美呀美。Oh a turtle-dove through our garden flew spreading wide its swings of such pretty hue.


仅仅这幺些 so much for

关于...就说这幺多 so mach for

再加这幺些个 as many again

哪有这幺好的 too good to be true

就只这幺些 so much

就这幺一回 this once

就这幺些 so thus much

就这幺多 thus much

翱翔这幺些 soar

这幺多 so much; this much

这幺过分的 all this

这幺迟 at this time day

