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遮挡的英文翻译 遮挡英文怎幺说 遮挡的英文例句




    keep out;shelter from

keep [ki:p]

    n.保持,保养,生计,监狱,[史]要塞 vt.保持,保存,遵守,经营,看守,拘留,维持,记(日记,帐等) vi.保持,继续不断

out [aut]

    adj.外面的,下台的,出局的 adv.在外,出声地,显露出来地,明显地,从头至尾地 n.外面,外出,外观 vt.赶出,击倒,使退场 vi.外出,暴露 prep.通过

shelter [ʃeltә(r)]

    n.掩蔽处,身避处,掩蔽,保护,庇护所,掩体 v.掩蔽,躲避


他的墨镜为他遮挡阳光。His dark glasses provided a shield from the sun.它依然拱起它那庞大的圆弧,遮挡了山峰。There it raises its large curves still eclipsing the hills.眼罩:附在笼头上的遮挡物,防止马向后或两侧观望。Blinkers: the flaps on a bridle which stop a horse from seeing backwards or sideways.有时候,只有部分日轮被遮挡住,那就不是日全食,而是日偏食。It is a partial eclipse of the sun.在悉尼内城的屋顶,用上仰式的屋檐间接的遮挡了太阳辐射强烈的窗户。This inner city terrace in sydney uses an upward raked eave to passively shade highlight windows.打开的前照灯不得被前裙板或薄膜遮挡!Switched-on headlights must not be covered by a front apron or film!那顶头盔遮挡了他的脸。The helmet shielded his face.如窗帘或软百叶窗等能遮挡视线或挡住阳光的物体。"Something such as a window shade or a venetian blind that hinders vision or shuts out light."遮光物如窗帘或软百叶窗等能遮挡视线或挡住阳光的物体Something such as a window shade or a venetian blind that hinders vision or shuts out light.


岩浆柱遮挡油气藏 magmatic plug screened hydrocarbon reservoir

断层遮挡油气藏 fault-screened hydrocarbon reservoir

泥火山遮挡油气藏 mud volcano screened hydrocarbon reservoir

用...遮挡 shield with

盐丘遮挡油气藏 salt diapir screened hydrocarbon reservoir

遮挡 occlusion

