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这麽的英文翻译 这麽英文怎幺说 这麽的英文例句



[zhè me]

    variant of 这幺|这幺, so much
    this much
    this way

variant [veәriәnt]

    adj.不同的 n.变数

so [sәu]

    conj.因而,所以,那幺,这样看来 adv.[表示程度] 如此,那幺,非常,很,[表示方式] 这样,那样,如此,因此 [域] Somalia ,索马里

much [mʌtʃ]

    adj.许多的,大量的 adv.非常,很,...多,更加,非常,得多,多达,多得多 n.许多,大量 num.许多


没有人喜欢与这麽一个心胸狭窄的人交朋友。Nobody like to make friend with such a small-minded man.你真是明察秋毫,问题的原因这麽快就找出来了It is very perspicacious of you to find the cause of the trouble so quickly莎士比亚为什麽要这麽安排?Why does shakespeare do this?为什麽你对他这麽不友善?Why are you so unfriendly to him?为什麽虚拟实境对减低疼痛这麽有效?Why is virtual reality so effective in alleviating pain?我想可以这麽说裁判绝对不会再向你叫再来一下。I think it's safe to say the ump will never call another strike on you again.我以为他能拿下完全比赛,我真的这麽以为。I thought he had it posada said. I really thought so.小姐,别对我这麽傲慢!Don't get uppish with me young lady!这就是为何对我而言,声音这麽有哲学层次的原因,但其方式却很吊诡。This is why sound has such a philosophical dimension for me in a paradoxical way.这麽说,他是预期经济萧条会继续。So he's expecting the slow-down to continue.

