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辙叉的英文翻译 辙叉英文怎幺说 辙叉的英文例句



[zhé chā]


frog [frɔg; (-) frɔ:g]

    n.青蛙 vi.捕蛙


辙叉装在火车铁轨相交处使车轮穿过连接处的装置A device on intersecting railroad tracks that permits wheels to cross the junction.辙叉角在岔心或岔道上,由铁轨交叉而成的角的顶点The vertex of the angle created by the intersection of rails in a frog or switch.


交叉辙叉 cross frogs

可动心轨辙叉 movable-point frog

可动翼轨辙叉 movable-wing frog

固定辙叉 fixed forg

曲线辙叉 curved frog

辙叉 frog,crossing

辙叉号数 frog number

辙叉咽喉 throat of frog

辙叉心轨尖端 actual point of frog

辙叉心轨理论尖端 theoretical point of frog

辙叉有害空间 gap in the frog, open throat,unguarded flange-way

辙叉角 frog angle

辙叉趾宽 toe spread of frog

辙叉趾端 toe end of frog,frog toe

辙叉趾长 toe length of frog

辙叉跟宽 heel spread of frog

辙叉跟端 heel end of frog, frog heel

辙叉跟长 heel length of frog

钝角辙叉 obtuse frog

钢轨组合辙叉 bolted rigid frog,assembled frog

锐角辙叉 end frog, acute frog

高锰钢整铸辙叉 solid manganese steel frog, cast manganese steel frog

高锰钢辙叉 high manganese steel frog

