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    to mix

mix [miks]

    v.使混和,混淆,混合 n.混合


在和麵的时候掺和一点白糖口感会更好。The flour would taste better if we added a little white sugar during the dough-making process.


中子嬗变掺杂 neutron transmutation doping, NTD

主动锁模掺钕钇铝石榴石雷射器 actively mode-locked Nd YAG laser

体掺杂红外探测器 bulk doped infrared detector

倍频掺钕钇铝石榴石雷射器 frequency-doubled ND YAG laser

光掺杂 photodoping

加气掺合制 air-entraining admixture

单掺杂雷射器 single-doped laser

单掺杂镭射棒 single-doped laser rod

单晶硅中子嬗变掺杂技术 neutron transmutation doping of monocrystalline silicon

双掺杂电晶体 double dope transistor

双芯掺铒光纤 twin-core erbium-doped fiber

圆筒掺和机 blunger

外来物质掺杂致损 damaged caused by other extraneous substances

将...掺杂进 scatter with

带式掺合器 ribbon blender

必须在产品中掺用一定比例本国原料的规定 mixing and milling regulations

抽掺麻醉剂的烟草 smoke up

掺伪 adulteration又称"掺假"。

掺假 adulterate; mix

掺假股本 watering of capital

掺假药品 adulterated drugs

掺假货 adulterants

掺入 dope

掺加同位素 spiking isotope

掺加料 admixture

掺加气剂的水泥 air entraining cement

掺加示蹤剂 spiking

掺合 blender

掺合剂 addition agent

掺合器 admixer blender

