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阐的英文翻译 阐英文怎幺说 阐的英文例句



    to express
    to disclose
    to enlighten

express [ik'spres]

    adj.急速的,特殊的,明确的 n.快车,快递,专使 vt.表达,表示 adv.乘快车,以快递方式

disclose [dis'klәuz]



她积极地阐述了自己的见解。She willingly set forth her opinions.在下面选文中,詹姆士阐述了实用主义的真理理论。In the following excerpt james describes the pragmatic theory of truth.


一针见血地阐明 push home

作新的阐述 cast a new light; cast new light; shed a new light; shed new light; throw a new light; throw new light

有系统阐述 formulate

概括地阐述 draw outlines of

用...阐明 illuminate with

经济阐述 economic interpretation

自我阐明和自我指导法 auto-elucidatory and auto-instructional methods

言简意赅地阐述观点 put something in a nutshell

进一步阐明节约指标 further spell out saving targets

进一步阐述 expand on

问题的阐述 problem formulation

阐明 illuminate; shed light on; shed light up on; threw a light up on; threw light on; throw a light up on; throw light on; throws a light up on; throws light on

阐明意义 dot the i''s and cross the t''s

阐明意义的 explicatory

阐明论据 made out a case; made out a case for; make out a case; make out a case for

阐述 elaborate; expound; state; set forth; exposition

阐述性法规 expository statute

