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行动纲领的英文翻译 行动纲领英文怎幺说 行动纲领的英文例句



[xíngdòng gānglǐng]

    action plan
    program of action

action [ækʃ(ә)n]

    n.动作,作用,战斗,行动,举动,行为,(戏剧或书中)的情节,(某一地区、领域或团体中)最能产生效果、最有趣、最有刺激性的活动 vt.对...起诉

plan [plæn]

    n.计画,设计图,平面图 vt.计画,设计

program [prәugræm; (-) 'prәugrәm]

    n.节目,程式,纲要,计画 vt.规划,拟...计画,安排...入节目 vi.安排节目,编程式 (电脑)程式,(电视)节目


关于纳米比亚的阿尔及尔宣言和行动纲领;Algiers declaration and programme of action on namibia;国际药品管制五年基本行动纲领;Basic five-year programme of the international drug control strategy;林业促进地方社区发展特别行动纲领;Special action programme on forestry for local community development;马尼拉宣言和行动纲领;Manila declaration and programme of action;世界土地改革和农村发展会议行动纲领;Programme of action of the world conference on agrarian reform and rural development;他们反对积极的行动纲领以及更有力的惩治攻击性犯罪法。They oppose affirmative action programs and stronger hate crime laws.鹹海问题具体行动纲领;Concrete action programme for the problems of the aral sea;非洲经济复苏和发展行动纲领工作队;Task force on the programme of action for african economic recovery and development;关于纳米比亚问题的行动纲领;Programme of action on namibia;联合国非洲经济复苏和发展行动纲领;Unapec; united nations action programme for economic recovery and development in africa;争取辛巴威和纳米比亚解放行动纲领;Programme of action for the liberation of zimbabwe and namibia;支持纳米比亚自决和国家独立行动纲领;Programme of action in support of self-determination and national independence for namibia;


下列行动纲领 adopts

建立国际经济新秩序行动纲领 Program of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order

经济合同行动纲领 action programme for economic cooperation

行动纲领 program of action

