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遮光的英文翻译 遮光英文怎幺说 遮光的英文例句



[zhē guāng]

    shading;dodging;lightproof;shading light;antiglare

shading [ʃeidiŋ]


lightproof [laitpru:f]


light [lait]

    n.光,日光,发光体,灯 adj.轻的,发光的,明亮的,浅的vt.点燃,照亮 adv.轻地 vi.点着,变亮


遮光罩是用来遮盖镜头的。The lens hood is used to cover up the lens.能够卷在一边的遮光帘。A window shade that rolls up out of the way.疏伐和遮光试验进一步证实这种情况。Thinning and shading experiments have confirmed this.有沙帘及遮光窗帘;Have curtain for shielding sunshine m.遮光物如窗帘或软百叶窗等能遮挡视线或挡住阳光的物体Something such as a window shade or a venetian blind that hinders vision or shuts out light.这个有遮光剂吗?Does this have a sunscreen?


前遮光器 front shutter

动镜遮光片 index shade

圆盘式遮光器 disc shutter

摄像机遮光罩 camera hood

有色玻璃遮光片 colour glass

物镜遮光罩 counter light lens hood

自动遮光 automatic dodging

舷灯遮光板 n. side light screen

行遮光 line vignetting

观察遮光罩 viewing hood

透镜遮光筒 lens hood

透镜遮光罩 zip pouch

遮光 cutoff

遮光仪器 dodging instrument

遮光剂 opacifier

遮光原理 light obscuration principle

遮光叶片 cover blade; cover wing; cutting blade; cutting wing; main wing

遮光器 dimmer light chopper optical chopper photochopper

遮光布 black-out cloth

遮光帘 dowsing shutter; window blind; window shade

遮光强线轮廓线法 pictoline process

遮光彩色负片 masked color negative film

遮光控制钮 dimmer knob

遮光板 dowser visor

遮光涂料 liquid opaque

遮光漆 black out paint

遮光率 opacity eoefficient

遮光玻璃 safety glass

遮光的 light proof

遮光盘 blanking disc

