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拆下的英文翻译 拆下英文怎幺说 拆下的英文例句



[chāi xià]

    to dismantle
    to take apart

dismantle [dis'mænt(ә)l]


take [teik]

    v.拿,拿走,取,抓,佔领,获得,接受,感受 n.捕获量

apart [ә'pa:t]

    adv.分离,分成零件,分别地,分离着 adj.分开的


将机油泵连同链条和曲轴小齿轮一起拆下。Remove oil pump pinion with chain and crankshaft pinion.将靠背表面抽风机从风道拆下。Remove suction fan for backrest surface from the air duct.将拉鍊完全拉上,然后拆下滑块。Close the zip fastener completely and remove the slider.将冷却液膨胀箱从导轨拉出,并向后拆下。Pull coolant expansion tank out of the guide rails and remove rearwards.将腰部支撑连同红色和蓝色软管一起拆下。Remove lumbar support together with the red and blue hose.切勿拆下安全防护装置。Do not remove safety guards.如果必须拆下导风口,则首先要拆下右车窗通风口。If the air guide has to be removed first remove the air vent at the right door window.如果需要更换灯泡,可以不拆下车顶架。If a light bulb needs to be changed the roof rack can remain fitted.如果需要更换一个或多个完整的车顶大灯,则应拆下车顶架。If one or more complete roof-mounted headlights need to be replaced remove the roof rack.抬起塑胶泡沫件,然后将其拆下。Lift up plastic foam and remove it.同时拆下滚柱轴承和止推板。Remove cylindrical-roller bearing and thrust plate at the same time.向上抬起后视镜并将其拆下。Lift the rear-view mirror up and off.小心地拆下机油滤清器盖,然后用布擦除残存的油。Carefully remove the oil filter cover and wipe off residual oil with a cloth.


可拆下的阀面 n. detachable valve face

把不合要求的火箭从发射架上拆下来 reject a round

拆下 knock down; loosen off

