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行文的英文翻译 行文英文怎幺说 行文的英文例句



[xíng wén]

    style or manner of writing

style [stail]

    n.风格,时尚,文体,风度,类型,字体 vt.称呼,设计,使合潮流 使铁笔作装饰画

manner [mænә(r)]


writing [raitiŋ]



单行文字方块:按两下可修改。Single-line text box: double-click to change.将可执行档标记为本机pocketpc。Mark executable as native pocket pc.流行文化有了重大的改变,而作为参与其中的一份子,妳有什幺感觉呢?How do you feel about being part of that major change in pop culture?美国的流行文化,事实上是有史以来创造出的最流行的热门文化。American popular culture is in fact the most pop-ular pop culture ever invented.你对亚洲和美国流行文化的了解一样多。You are equally aware of both popular american culture and asian pop culture.你会说你是流行文化的一份子吗?Would you say you're a member of pop culture?如果你参考一些流行文化Yeah if you reference pop culture or something like that...是人事管理系统,有执行档的,Is the personnel management system has the execution file visual basic他们对你进行文字处理训练。They give you training in word processing.我拿到那些通行档。I got those travel papers.运行用户端可执行档并使用ui访问天气服务。Run the client executable file and use the ui to access the weather service.这两位穿着随意的年轻女孩发表了5分钟的演讲,其中充满了流行文化的色彩。The casually dressed young women sprinkled their five-minute speech with pop culture references.最后我们反思分析二进位可执行档的过程结束这篇文章。We conclude the article with a call to rethink the proce of analysing binary executables.


串列档 serial file

公文行文规则 rules on moving official documents among administrative organs

可执行档 executable file

待执行档 executory instrument

施行文件 operative instrument

现行档 action file

行文 running text

行文格式 form of wording

运行档 run file

非行文化 delinquent culture

