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行刑的英文翻译 行刑英文怎幺说 行刑的英文例句



[xíng xíng]

    to carry out a sentence
    to execute

carry [kæri]

    n.进位,射程,运载 vt.携带,运送,支持,支撑,传送,意味 vi.被携带,能达到

out [aut]

    adj.外面的,下台的,出局的 adv.在外,出声地,显露出来地,明显地,从头至尾地 n.外面,外出,外观 vt.赶出,击倒,使退场 vi.外出,暴露 prep.通过

sentence [sent(ә)ns]

    n.句子,判决,宣判,文句 vt.宜判,判决

execute [eksikju:t]



皇家刑事法庭根据起诉进行刑事审判。The crown court deals with criminal trails on indictment.黎明时刻她被行刑队枪杀。They shot her by firing squad at dawn.他被行刑队执行枪决。He was executed by firing squad.他面临着被行刑队处决的命运。He faces death by firing squad.我自愿加入了行刑队I volunteered to be on the firing squad要是我回去,面对的将是行刑队If I go back it's the firing squad for me.这些犯人已由行刑队枪决。The prisoners were executed by firing squad.行刑队枪毙了莱文索,我们之中最强壮的人Moll shot lowenthal one of our strongest men.


执行刑 enforcement punishment; executed punishment

执行刑期 executed period of a punishment

执行刑罚 execute a punishment; execution of a punishment

暂缓行刑 reprieve

监狱中的行刑室 death chamber

行刑 carry out a death sentence; execute

行刑制度 system of execution

行刑学 science of executing punishment

行刑时效 prescription of execution of sentence

行刑权时效 limitation for the power to execute punishment

行刑者 executioner

行刑设施 institutions of executing punishment

行刑赦免 executive pardon; pardon for execution of punishment

行刑队 executioners; firing squad

进行刑事诉讼 institute penal proceedings

