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招收的英文翻译 招收英文怎幺说 招收的英文例句




    to hire
    to recruit

hire [haiә(r)]

    n.租金,工钱,租用,雇用 vt.雇请,出租 vi.受雇

recruit [ri'kru:t]

    n.新兵,新分子,新会员 vt.使恢复,补充,徵募 vi.徵募新兵,复原


这所学校每年招收六十名男女新生。The school admits sixty new boys and girls every year.那个厂将招收更多工人。The factory is taking on more men.有人怀疑中文学院是否能招收到学生。Sceptics may question whether the school of chinese studies could enrol enough students.芝加哥支部今年正招收新会员The chicago chapter is admitting new members this year.被招收的快乐的散步者在无轨电车上投票。The enrolled jolly stroller polled on the trolley.该校每年只招收100名学生。This school recruit only100students every year.今年西点约招收4000名美国军校学员。About4000american cadets are at west point this year.这些大学招收学生的标準低于较有名望的高等学府。These universities accept lower grades than the more prestigious institutions.徵召招收后备军人服役的行为或情况The act or an instance of summoning reserve military personnel to active service.


招收 recruitment

招收人员 recruit staff; engage personnel

招收职工 recruitment of staff and labour

职工招收和录用 recruitment and employment of workers and staff

