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    whispering sound

whispering ['hwɪspərɪŋ]


sound [saund]

    n.声音,语音,噪音,吵闹,海峡,听力範围,探条 adj.健全的,可靠的,合理的,有效彻底的,健康的 adv.彻底地,充分地 vi.发出声音,迴响,测深,听起来 vt.使发声,宣告,听诊,测...深,试探


(小鸡吱吱喳喳叫,数绵羊也睡不着。)Chicks cheep and can't count sheep to sleep.处于丰富,嘁嘁喳喳的状态。Be teeming be abuzz.雇员们在嘁嘁喳喳四下议论,一清早就出现这种情况,倒是有点儿蹊跷。There was a buzz of conversation among the employees generally unusual this early in the day.僧侣话,诵《玫瑰经》的念珠在他们的腰带上嘁嘁喳喳;江湖话,硬梆梆的金币在他们的兜里当榔噹啷。Monkwords marybeads jabber on their girdles: roguewords tough nuggets patter in their pockets.我尽力回避厨房里那一群叽叽喳喳的女人。I tried to avoid the gaggle of women in the kitchen.尤其是小孩子们兴高采烈,叽叽喳喳闹个不停,好像要越墙而过。Small children noisy and exuberant seemed to bounce off the walls.这叽叽喳喳不晓得在说什麽的家伙讲了2小时的电话快要使我受不了。This double dutch guy kills me for2hrs on phone.吱吱喳喳的一窝小鬼头。A squabbling brood of children.大气是一片熹微的晨光,鸟儿也都在树篱上摇身醒来,吱吱喳喳地叫。The atmosphere turned pale the birds shook themselves in the hedges arose and twittered.教室后面的学生们正在低声地吱吱喳喳。The students in the back of the classroom were whispering to each other.胜过小小鸫鸟的叽叽喳喳,Or twitter of little field-fares as you take树林中快乐地叽叽喳喳叫的小鸟。Birds chirping merrily in the trees我不希望你叽叽喳喳的插嘴。And I don't want to hear a peep out of you!


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