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找麻烦的英文翻译 找麻烦英文怎幺说 找麻烦的英文例句




    to look for trouble

look [luk]

    n.看,注视,脸色,面容,外表 vi.看,注意,朝着,好象,显得 vt.打量,注视,用眼神(或脸色)表示,期待

trouble [trʌb(ә)l]

    n.烦恼,麻烦,动乱,纠纷,疾病,故障,问题 vt.(使)烦恼,麻烦,打扰,麻烦自己,费神,费心


我说, 兄弟, 你是自找麻烦哪!Now look here, pal, you're asking for trouble!你那幺做就是在自找麻烦。You are just inviting trouble if you do that.你总是给自己找麻烦。You are always getting yourself in trouble.第二次碰壁使他不敢再找麻烦了。The second snub settled his hash.汽车不锁上纯粹是自找麻烦!Leaving your car unlocked is just inviting trouble!我压根儿就不是在自找麻烦。I'm not looking for trouble in any shape or form.我们如果酒后开车,就是自找麻烦。If we drink and drive, we’re looking for trouble.“哎呀,你这是自找麻烦。”Blimey you were asking for trouble. '但如果这些女人给我们找麻烦…If these women cause trouble...好样的,没必要给我们大家都找麻烦Attaboy. There's no point making it hard for all of us.你为什幺总是要找麻烦?Why do you always cause trouble?我认为他是故意找麻烦。I believe he deliberately set out to cause trouble.自找麻烦採取一个可能会产生负面效果的不必要的行动To take an unnecessary action that will probably engender adverse effects.你是在自找麻烦。You're asking for trouble.


找麻烦 raise difficulties

自找麻烦 ask for it; ask for trouble; look for trouble

