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招募的英文翻译 招募英文怎幺说 招募的英文例句




    to recruit
    to enlist

recruit [ri'kru:t]

    n.新兵,新分子,新会员 vt.使恢复,补充,徵募 vi.徵募新兵,复原

enlist [in'list]



美国巴拉西罗工程也曾经从墨西哥招募农场工人。America imported mexican farm labourers under its bracero programme.起义军的首领们在新攻佔的城里四出奔走,招募新兵。The leaders of the insurrectionary army beat up the newly captured town for recruits.我感觉是指:考虑到要招募员工的成本。Given the cost of fielding employees.帮助招募图像解码员。Assist in the recruitment of image interpreters.今年也要夏季班开学,新生在招募中!!!We will hold hajl summer short course that is popular with many students every year!契约移民通常与船长或英国的招募机构签订合同。Typically an indentured immigrant singed with a ship owner or a recruiting agent in england.三年人员招募、选拔和麵试方面的经验。Three years of experience in personnel recruiting screening and interviewing.他本想做的是把全部人马解雇,再招募人员组成他自己的工作班子。What he'd have liked to do was to sack the whole shooting match and recruit a work force of his own.我们在我们附近招募新兵We recruit in our old neighborhood.正在招募有组织的人... Was recruiting the organized.作为气象学家,你还负责监督招募气象观察员。As a meteorologist you also supervise enlisted weather observers.


为...招募新兵 recruit for

人事招募 personnel recruitment

人事招募计画 personnel recruitment program

招募 recruit; enlist

招募军队 levy of troops

招募股本 call for share capital

职工的招募和考核 recruiting and examining

