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照料的英文翻译 照料英文怎幺说 照料的英文例句




    to tend
    to take care of sb

tend [tend]

    vi.趋向,往往是 vt.照管,护理

take [teik]

    v.拿,拿走,取,抓,佔领,获得,接受,感受 n.捕获量

care [keә(r)]

    n.注意,照料,烦恼,忧虑,由...转交 vi.关心,顾虑,照顾,喜爱 vt.在意


她除了独力照料七个子女,还要每週做六个晚上的工作,这些使她筋疲力尽。Her job six nights a week on top of caring single-handed for seven children left her exhausted.我不在的时候,请把炉火照料一下。See to the fire while I am out.王太太日夜照料小保罗和他的姐姐已将近12个月了。Mrs wang had kept watch and ward over little paul and his sister for nearly twelve months.维拉照料了她生病的婶婶许多年。Vera spent years caring for her sick aunt.我养了9只狗,都照料得很好,我非常爱它们,那年轻人的表现深深打动了我的心。As a pet-parent of nine well-fed and passionately loved dogs of my own it hit a deep chord in me.有必要的照料和关心。Having needed care and attention.约瑟夫将照料这所房子。Joseph will take care of the house.照料乳儿需要极大的耐心。Take care of suckling require a great deal of patience.这个准军事组织的成员都是自己照料自己。The paramilitary look after their own.这家医院照料五十名左右精神病患者。The hospital cares for some fifty mental patients.这里的一切我会照料。I'll see to everything here.这头骨瘦如柴的母牛在饲养员的精心照料下,正在肥壮起来。This skinny cow is now fattening out under the good care of the stockman.


临终照料 terminal care

亲代照料 brood care=parental care)亲代照料

照料 seen after; take care of; tendance

照料自己 fend for herself; fend for himself; fend for myself; fend for ourselves; fend for themselves; fend for yourself; fend for yourselves

由...照料 on their hands

百般照料 cocker up

真心的照料 good hands

细心照料 on a pedestal

货运监督,货运照料人 supercargo

长期照料 long term care

