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行的英文翻译 行英文怎幺说 行的英文例句



    a row
    age order (of brothers)

row [rәu]

    n.排,行 v.划(船)

series [siәri:z]


age [eidʒ]

    n.年龄,成年,使用年限,同时期的人,时代 v.变老,上年纪,成熟

order [ɔ:dә(r)]

    n.次序,顺序,正常(工作)状态,秩序,会议规则,命令,定购,定单 vt.命令,定购,定制


“维米号”开足了马力,在机场上开始慢慢滑行。The vimy throttles full open began to roll slowly down the field.“我过去一直在跑”是过去进行时态的一个例句。I had been running'is an example of the past progressive.“我连拖着脚走都不行。"I could barely shuffle.“我们需要一个精神外科专案来对社会进行政治控制。"We need a program of psychosurgery for political control of our society.“休闲”一词20世纪90年代开始在中国流行。The word of leisure came into vogue in china in the1990s.“製作自行聚合硅量子点之方法”,中华民国专利,专利号码137819,7月21日,2001。"Fabrication method of self-assembly silicon quantum dot" pat no.6375737 apr.232002 u.s.a.……全面超越多曲柄式发动机的飞行... The ability to sustain normal flight in the event of a multiengine failure.…感觉就像穿着只假腿在艰难的行走... You feei iike driving in a peg and hang yourseif.…拿走了瑞士银行帐户的那笔钱... Took the money out of the swiss account.--货币发行量1500亿元;--Total volume of currency to be issued should be150billion yuan;货币发行量1500亿元。Total volume of currency to be issued should be 150-billion yuan.

