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    blow nose

blow [blәu]

    n.殴打,突然的打击 v.风吹,吹气于,叫,喘气

nose [nәuz]

    n.鼻,(飞机、船等的)前端 v.侦察出


在过敏的季节不断地擤他的鼻子Constantly blowing his nose in allergy season.我因擤涕鼻子直发痛。My nose is raw from blowing it so much.他不断地擤鼻子。He kept on blowing his nose.使劲向外呼气以擤出鼻涕,并弄出了声。Make a snorting sound by exhaling hard.她儘量文雅地擤了擤鼻涕。She blew her nose as daintily as possible.当我擤鼻子时,耳朵里有吱吱声。When I blow my nose my ears squeak.她顺从地擤擤鼻子,身上仍在哆嗦,可是不知要吩咐他干什幺。She blew her nose obediently still trembling but she could not think what to tell him to do.她用纸巾擤鼻涕。She blew her nose with a tissue.


擤鼻子 blew her nose; blew his nose; blew my nose; blew our noses; blew their noses; blew your nose; blew your noses; blow his nose; blow my nose; blow our noses; blow their noses; blow your noses; blown her nose; blown my nose; blown our noses

