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测定的英文翻译 测定英文怎幺说 测定的英文例句




    to survey and evaluate

survey [sә'vei]

    n.测量,调查,俯瞰,概观,纵览,视察 vt.调查(收入,民意等) 测量,勘定,审视,视察,俯瞰,通盘考虑 vi.测量土地

evaluate [i'væljueit]

    vt.评价,估计,求...的值 v.评价


一种定量测定油藏岩石润湿性的新方法。A new method for determination of wettability of reservoir rocks.以放射免疫法测定细胞内cgmp和环磷酸腺苷(camp)含量。Cgmp and camp contents were measured by radioimmunoassay.作者採用硫氰酸汞比色法测定纯硷中氯化钠的含量。The content of nacl in soda ash is determined by colourimetry of mercury thiocyanate.


一次性测定 single-time measurement

不可测定的损失 undeterminable losses

不平整度测定仪 roughometer

中央凹密度测定法 foveal densitometry

乙醯基微量测定仪 micro acetyl group determination apparatus

乳化测定仪 apparatus for determination of emulsifbility

事前及事后测定 before-after measurement

事后测定 after-only measurement

二氧化碳测定计 carbometer

云层高度测定器 cloud range finder

云高测定器 cloud height finder

亚硫酸盐测定计 sulphitometer

人体知觉敏度电子测定仪 electronic tachistoscope

人工测定 labor measurement

位置测定 posotion finging

位置测定器 position measuring device

体能测定 fitness test

作业迴圈时间测定 determination of operating cycle

使用重量测定 operating weight measurement

可擕式磁化率测定器 portable magnetic susceptibility meter

倾斜测定器 tilt finder

倾角测定 determination of tilt

偏斜测定仪 deflectometer

偏测定係数 coefficient of partial determination

催化沼气测定仪 catalytic methanometer

光化力测定器 actinograph

光度测定纸 photometric paper

光强分布测定仪 goniophotometer

光泽测定器 glarimeter

光活性测定仪 photoactivity detector

