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心安的英文翻译 心安英文怎幺说 心安的英文例句




    feel at ease

feel [fi:l]

    vt.摸,触,试探,感觉,觉得,触摸,以为 vi.有知觉,(人)有某种感觉,摸索,同情 n.感觉,觉得,触摸

ease [i:z]

    n.安逸,安心,不费力,悠闲 vt.使悠闲,使安心,减轻,放鬆 vi.减弱,减轻,放鬆,灵活地移动


大多数的人在出卖了自己的灵魂之后,就凭那收入过其心安理得的日子。Most people sell their souls and live with a good conscience on the proceeds.这件事情做完后,她就成天心安理得,无所事事地躺在那儿。He was free after that to spend the rest of each day lying around idly with a clear conscience.这时导蜜鸟就可以心安理得地享用自己应得的那份了。And this is when the honey guide takes its share.这一认识令她心安理得。This knowledge quieted her conscience.茯苓有健脾补中,利水渗湿,宁心安神作用。Tuckahoe has be good at lienal in filling benefit waterlogging is wet action of ning xinan god.那些乐意过不劳而获的悠闲岁月的“无耻”之徒也心安理得。Those "shameless" people who choose to live in unearned idleness have a good conscience too.


丁萘酮心安 Bunolol

丁萘酮心安 Bunolol

中心安全岛 central island

养心安神 tranquilizing by nourishing the heart

噻吗心安眼水 timoptol eye drops

小心安放,小心轻放 handle with care

心安钱 conscience-money

氨醯心安 atenolol

甲氧乙心安 metoprolol

盐酸左丁萘酮心安 levobunlol hydrochloride

