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蹭的英文翻译 蹭英文怎幺说 蹭的英文例句



    to rub against
    to walk slowly
    to freeload (colloquial)

rub [rʌb]

    v.擦,摩擦 rt. (~ along) 和谐相处,(~ off) 擦掉,擦破,(~ out) 把(记号,笔记,笔迹等)擦掉

against [ә'geinst]


walk [wɔ:k]

    vi.步,行,走 n.步行,散步,步,行道

slowly [slәuli]



车轮蹭着挡泥板了。The wheel is rubbing on the mudguard.黄色的浓雾在窗格玻璃上蹭它的背,The yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window-panes看,谁是个磨磨蹭蹭的家伙?So who's a slowpoke?那个油漆匠真会磨蹭。That painter really takes his time.您先别忙;这可显着太有精神,太有决断了;还得再带点儿磨磨蹭蹭的样子才成。Wait please; you betray too much vigor too much decision; you want more of a shamble.为了保护桌面,他在上刷了清漆,但被人蹭坏了。He put varnish on the tabletop to protect it but somebody has scratched it.我们在路上走的时候,我妹妹一直拖着脚步磨蹭。My sister was scuffing her feet as we walked down the road.响起了一阵挪动椅子的蹭嚓声。There was a scraping of chairs.小狗用鼻子蹭狗妈妈的乳头要奶吃。The puppy nuzzled its mother's teat to get more milk.于是轮流抬起脚来,用靴子的贴边灵巧地往袜筒上蹭。Rubbing smartly in turn each welt against her stocking calf.在门口地毯上把泥浆蹭去Tracked mud on the rug.


从...蹭掉 scrape off

别再磨磨蹭蹭 pull her finger out; pull his finger out; pull my finger out; pull our finger out; pull their finger out; pull your finger out

在...上磨蹭 dawdle over

在...处磨蹭 mess about; mess around

慢慢磨蹭 fool along

磨蹭地干活 putter about; putter around

