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侧向的英文翻译 侧向英文怎幺说 侧向的英文例句



[cè xiàng]

    side direction;crossrange

side [said]

    n.边,旁边,面,侧面,胁,一方,(一个)方面,摆架子 adj.旁边的,侧面的,副的,枝节的 vi.站在同一边

direction [di'rekʃ(ә)n]



除产生上下运动外,面波还会发生侧向移动。In addition to the up-and-down motion generated surface waves also have a side-to-side motion.将制动器拉线侧向接合到螺丝扣。Engage brake cable sideways into the turnbuckle.晚辈跟长辈一起喝酒时,晚辈必须将身子侧向一边喝酒,以示对长辈尊敬。The younger should turn to the side when drinking with an old korean to show his respect.在三种形状侧向支柱中,採用两端削尖支柱形状的进气道的性能最优。During the three types of struts the performance of inlet with rhombic struts is excellent.


七侧向测井 laterolog 7

三侧向测井 laterolog 3

从外侧向内侧 outside in

侧向传声 flanking sound transmission

侧向余宽 lateral clearance

侧向侵蚀 lateral erosion又称"旁蚀"。

侧向倾卸运货汽车 side dump truck

侧向力 side force指钻头上受力。

侧向加积 lateral accretion

侧向卸载 side discharging; sidedischarging

侧向反作用力 cornering force

侧向反射声 lateral refraction

侧向发射 n. sideway launching

侧向天体 edge-on object边面朝向观测者的扁平结构天体。

侧向导轨 beam; side rail

侧向弯度 camber

侧向弯曲 n. side bend

侧向弯曲试验 side bend test

侧向扩散 lateral diffusion

侧向承载桩 laterally load pile

侧向推力装置 side thrust device

侧向搂草机 side-rake

侧向摩擦 side friction; sidefriction

侧向摩擦力 side friction

侧向支付 side payments

侧向放电 sideflash

侧向晶元 lateral element

侧向最小安全间距 minimum safe lateral clearance

侧向泄油井 horizontal drain hole

侧向测井 laterolog

