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新泽西的英文翻译 新泽西英文怎幺说 新泽西的英文例句



[xīn zé xī]

    New Jersey, US state

new [nju:; (-) nu:]

    adj.新的,初见的,更新的 adv.新近

jersey [dʒә:zi]

    n.运动衫 n. -seys 泽西种乳牛

us [әs]

    pron.我们 [域] United States ,美国

state [steit]

    n.情形,状态,国家,政府,州 adj.国家的,国有的,国营的,州的,正式的,典礼用的 vt.声明,陈述,规定


我独自站在新泽西州西奥兰治市汤玛斯•迪生的办公室里。I'm alone in thomas edison's office in west orange new jersey.我们广播中心在新泽西?Our broadcast center's in new jersey?我们在新泽西州太阳宫酒店的套房Our suite at the palace del sol hotel in new jersey.我是新泽西州大西洋城警察局的一名新员警。As a rookie in the atlantic city n.j. police department I was assigned a beat on the boardwalk.新泽西,乔治。华盛顿桥George washington bridge new jersey.新泽西州斯宾塞中学的校长Headmistress at the spencer school in wildwood.newjersey.新泽西州选择了陶德•安德森…New jersey picks todd andersen...在困境中奋斗的新泽西网球可能是真得需要一项重大的革新。杰生。基得就正在準备开启这一过程。The struggling nets may need a shake-up and jason kidd is offering to start the process.在新泽西州和乔治亚州,两张百万抽奖券已经售出。Two winning tickets for mega millions lottery drawing were sold in new jersey and georgia.这些所谓的“公共对等汇接点”位于芝加哥、加州的帕洛阿尔托和新泽西州的彭索肯。These so-called "public peering points" are in chicago palo alto calif. and pennsauken n.j.


新泽西护栏 New Jersey safety barrier

新泽西美孚石油公司 Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey

