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站立的英文翻译 站立英文怎幺说 站立的英文例句




    to stand
    on one's feet

stand [stænd]

    n.停止,抵抗的状态,立场,立足点,看台,架子,台 v.站,立,站起,(使)竖立,(使)位于,维持不变,持久,经受

standing [stændiŋ]

    adj.直立的,停滞的,固定的,常备的,标準的,常设的 n.站立,身分,名望,持续 v.站

one [wʌn]

    pron.一个人,任何人,一方 num.一,一个 adj.一方的,某一,同样的

feet [fi:t]



他稍微变换了一下站立的姿势,靠在一棵树上。He altered his stance slightly and leaned against a tree.它们会用后腿支撑站立起来,互相用掌猛击,或者互相滚在一起。They would prance on their hind legs making wild swipes in the air or tumbling over each other.我沉静地站立着。And I was standing still.站立的或者从站立姿势开始的。Executed in or initiated from a standing position.这婴儿还不会站立。The baby cannot stand yet.只容站立的空间;起立鼓掌。Standing room only; a standing ovation.众人紧张地站立着。They are all standing tensely.椎管狭窄引起的疼痛在站立和行走时加重。Pain from stenosis is worsened with standing and walking.


他仍然站立 remain on his feet

他们仍然站立 remain on their feet

你们仍然站立 remain on your feet

保持站立状态 keep on one''s feet

她仍然站立 remain on her feet

我仍然站立 remain on my feet

我们仍然站立 remain on our feet

步态站立期 stance phase

确定站立点位置 topographic position finging

站立 get to her feet; got to your feet; gotten to my feet

站立的乘客 standee

站立着 be on her legs; be on his legs; be on my legs; be on one''s legs; be on our legs; be on their legs; be on your legs

站立行走不能 astasia abasia

笨拙而艰难地站立起 lumber to one''s feet

