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些小的英文翻译 些小英文怎幺说 些小的英文例句



[xiē xiǎo]

    a little

little [lit(ә)l]

    n.少许,一会儿,短时间 adj.很少的,矮小的,短暂的,琐碎的 adv.很少,稍微,完全不


有些小型的合作企业赚头极好。Some small cooperative enterprises share out very well.在一些小城镇里他们都随身携带枪枝。In somesmall towns they tote guns.在这段期间,他们给德国人一些小恩惠。All the while they paid the germans in small coin.这些小孩子们的零花钱太多了,反而有害。They have too much pocket money for their own good these youngsters.这些小鸡整个冬天都在那里栖息。The chickens roost there all winter.这些小事本身不重要,但合在一起会造成大麻烦。These piny problems themselves aren't important but in all that's a big problem.只要在统计上耍些小小的花招,他们就能瞒天过海。With a little statistical sleight of hand they could make things look all right.作家梦那些小康搭乘裤、儿童美术学校虽然在楼下。An author dreams up those well-traveled pants while the children and an art school are downstairs.这些小麦都在面坊里被加工成了麵粉。The wheat has been processed flour in the flour mill.

