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tent [tent]



五宝镇灾民居住的临时帐篷。Wubao flood victims find temporary shelter in tents.雪铲可以用在雪崩营救、紧急避难和搭建帐篷中。Snow shovel can be used for avalanche rescue emergency shelter and tent site.一种销入地面以拉起绳子支撑帐篷的钉子。A peg driven into the ground to hold a rope supporting a tent.一种只有一根单独的支柱和一些放射状的金属龙骨的小帐篷。A small tent with a single supporting pole and radiating metal ribs.有天晚上,我跟我的弟弟睡在我的学生帐篷上,One night l was sleeping in my pup tent with my younger brother.帐篷支柱、旗杆、电线杆A tent flag telegraph etc pole在羊群中支个小帐篷He's gonna pitch a pup tent on the qt with the sheep...展览会的一个帐篷里展出了许多稀有动物。There was a tent at the show where they had lots of rare breeds of animals.这顶帐篷可以给你们挡风。This tent will shield you against wind.住在帐篷里,算了吧Living in a tepee somebody help me.


住在帐篷中 under canvas

单帐篷 unlined tent

印度帐篷绳 dori

双人帐篷 double resident tent

圆形马戏场帐篷 circus tent

寒区帐篷 tent for cold area

尖顶大帐篷 pavilion

屋式帐篷 wall tent

帐篷 sheeting; tentage

帐篷屋 cabana

帐篷布 cover cloth hood fabric

帐篷形倒坍 tent collapse

棉织帐篷 n. cotton canvas

热区帐篷 tropical tent

缝编帐篷布 stitch-bonded camping cloth

脊骨式拱架帐篷 back-bone style arch structure tent

过帐篷生活 under canvas

铁管帐篷 tent with steel pole

铝管帐篷 tent with aluminium pole

