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张开的英文翻译 张开英文怎幺说 张开的英文例句




    to open up
    to spread
    to extend

open [әupәn]

    n.公开,户外,空旷 adj.开着的,敞开的,(车等)无篷的,开阔的,营业着的,公开的,坦率的,未决定的 vt.打开,公开,开放 vi.展开,开始,展现

up [ʌp]

    adv.向上,到(较高的地方,北方),起来,起床 prep.向上,在上,沿 adj.向上的,上行的

spread [spred]

    n.伸展,展开,传播,蔓延,酒席,宴会,桌布 v.伸展,展开,铺,涂,敷,摆,传播,散布


我想张开两臂抱住她;但这是怎样一个妄想呀。—I wanted to throw out my arms and embrace it--but this was a wild impulse.一块红布衔在张开的口中。A red rag hangs from an open mouth.一只美洲蛇鸟——塘鹅的一种——张开了它的翅膀晾乾羽毛。An anhinga-a pelican relative-stretches its wings to dry its feathers.因降落伞未张开而坠地身亡的年轻伞兵的尸体。The corpse of a young paratrooper whose parachute had failed to open.用手顺着沾满泥的毛抚摸着。猫仔的小嘴张开做喵叫状,但却没有声音。She smoothed her finger along the muddy fur and the tiny mouth opened in a soundless miaow.张开你的嘴伸出你的舌头Open your mouth and stick out your tongue.嘴巴微微张开,其中一个嘴角剧烈地抽搐着。The mouth was slightly open and jerked violently and spasmodically at one corner.


底部儘量张开的 full bottomed

张开 expand in; puff around

张开双臂 with open atms

张开型 opening mode

张开型裂纹 opening mode crack又称"Ⅰ型裂纹"。拉伸受载,裂纹面与载荷方向垂直。

张开成 flare up

张开手臂 with open arms

裂尖张开位移 crack tip opening displacement, CTOD

裂纹张开位移 crack opening displacement, COD裂纹扩展时其尖端张开的位移,记为δ。δ的临界值δc也是表徵材料断裂韧 性的一个判据。

裂纹张开角 crack opening angle, COA

阴道张开器 vaginal speculum

