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斜率的英文翻译 斜率英文怎幺说 斜率的英文例句



[xié lǜ]


slope [slәup]

    n.斜坡,斜面,倾斜 v.(使)顺斜


参照negri-adler的方法,应用斜率参数消除卷云;It uses the slope parameter for eliminating cirrus according negri-adler method.该项产品学习曲线的“斜率”是多少?What is the "slope" of the learning curve for this item?滴定曲线的斜率处于最低值。The slope of titration curve is at a minimum.线性关係的斜率是弹性模量。The slope of the linear relationship is young's modulus e.斜率值及它的标準误差。B: slope value and its standard error.


倾斜率 n. rake ratio

双斜率模/数转换器 dual slope A/D converter

回归斜率 regression slope

增斜率 build up rate

複斜率 negative slope

成本斜率 cost slope

斜率 gradient; slope

斜率函数 slope function

斜率截距法则 slope-distance rule又称"切线法"。

斜率效率 slope efficiency

斜率检波器 slope detector

斜率比法 slope ratio method

斜率滤波器 slope filter

斜率窗口 window of slope

斜率计 slope meter

斜率鑒频器 slope discriminator

斜率预测 slope predication

正向斜率电阻 forward slope resistance

牛顿斜率 Newton slope

等时线斜率 slope of isochron

费用斜率 cost slope

输出斜率 output voltage gradient

通态斜率电阻 onstate slope resistance

降斜率 drop-off rate

霍奇斜率 Hodge slope

黏-温斜率 ASTM viscosity-temperature slope黏度-温度曲线的斜率。

