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帐棚的英文翻译 帐棚英文怎幺说 帐棚的英文例句



[zhàng péng]

    variant of 帐篷|帐篷

variant [veәriәnt]

    adj.不同的 n.变数


愿基尼人希百的妻雅亿、众妇人多得福气、住帐棚的妇人更蒙福祉。Most blessed of women be jael the wife of heber the kenite most blessed of tent-dwelling women.愿基尼人希百的妻雅亿比众妇人多得福气,比住帐棚的妇人更蒙福祉。Blessings be on jael more than on all women! Blessings greater than on any in the tents!”他就进入帐棚,看见西西拉已经死了,倒在地上,橛子还在他鬓中。So he went in with her and there lay sisera with the tent peg through his temple-dead.甚至他离弃示罗的帐幕,就是他在人间所搭的帐棚。He abandoned the tabernacle of shiloh the tent he had set up among men.他们本是製造帐棚为业。保罗因与他们同业,就和他们同住作7工。And because he was a tentmaker as they were he stayed and worked with them.他们本是製造帐棚为业。保罗因与他们同业,就和他们同住做工。3and Because he was a tentmaker as they were he stayed and worked with them.我见古珊的帐棚遭难,米甸的幔子战兢。I saw the tents of cushan in distress the dwellings of midian in anguish.我见古珊的帐棚遭难、米甸的幔子战兢。The curtains of cushan were troubled and the tents of midian were shaking.我为你搭了这个帐棚L built this tent for you.

