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草堆的英文翻译 草堆英文怎幺说 草堆的英文例句



[cǎo duī]


mow [mu:]

    n.乾草堆,穀堆 v.刈,扫除,收割庄稼,扫倒

stack [stæk]

    n.堆,一堆,堆叠 v.堆叠


(户外)乾草堆放于户外备冬用的乾草堆A large stack of hay for winter storage in the open.小乌龟在乾草堆中到处爬行。Little tortoises clim around in a haymow就好比乾草堆中找根针。。。Might as well look for a needle in a haystack...农民把稻草堆在阁楼上。The farmer piled straw in the loft.他早在乾草堆里睡着啦!He's under a haystack fast asleep.她的气息是独有的,整年散发着六月的清香,如同新垛起的乾草堆;Her breath is her own which scents all the year long of june like a new-made haycock.我们在这儿是在乾草堆里找针We're looking for a needle in a haystack here.一根针在乾草堆里会突显的A needle would stand out in a haystack.越狱的囚犯们一直躲在乾草堆里,直到搜寻者离去。The escaped prisoners lay doggo in a haystack until the searchers had gone away.至少你找到了乾草堆啊But at least you found the haystack.常见于马尾藻类海草堆中,体色鲜豔、形状怪异的小鱼。Small fantastically formed and colored fishes found among masses of sargassum.那些孩子在乾草堆里翻滚。The children were tumbling about in the hay.太阳暖烘烘的,鸭妈妈卧在稻草堆里,等她的孩子们出世。It is a sunny and warm day. A mother duck lies in the stook waiting for the birth of her children.


乾草堆垛机 hay cocker

草堆形锅炉 haystack boiler

