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杖的英文翻译 杖英文怎幺说 杖的英文例句



    a staff
    a rod

staff [sta:f]

    n.棒,杖,杆,支柱,全体职员,[军]参谋机构,[音]五线谱 vt.供给人员,充当职员

rod [rɔd]



她用壳乾麵杖向我打来。She came at mewith a` rolling-pin.我的权杖在等着,如此巨大My scepter solid it grows.我过去拄手杖,等我弄得到拐杖后,那手杖就完成任务了。I used a stick to support me; it served its turn I could procure a crutch.我们是象徵正义的权杖!We are the just wands!一根拐杖靠在墙上。A walking stick was standing against the wall.一位带礼帽拿着手杖的法国绅士唱了些什幺结束了电影。A french gentleman in top hat and cane sang something which ended the picture.一位拄着木拐杖走路的耄耋老人。A very old man walking with the help of a wooden staff.只要你还活着,西弗勒斯,接骨木魔杖就不可能完全属于我。While you live severus the elder wand cannot truly be mine.


伞杖 umbrella stick

伤残人用手杖 crutch

冰杖 pickel

多功能拐杖 multi-function walking stick

多用途电子医疗保健手杖 multi-purpose electronic stick for medical care

寻杖 handrail宋代术语

廷杖 flogging with a bid stick at court

手杖 cane, walking stick

手杖伞 stick umbrella

拐杖架 walking-stick seat

拐杖用金属包头 ferrule of metal for walking stick

探矿杖 dowsing rod

擀麵杖 rod for flour food making rolling pin

杖 flogging with a stick

杖杀 flogging to death

测量杖 measuring stick

腋杖 crutch

虎杖 giant knotweed

铁头登山杖 alpenstock

黑杖侍卫 Black Rod

