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    Cinnamonum camphara

camphor [kæmfә(r)]



白杨,榆木,胡桃,樟树,枞树,紫檀,竹子等。Poplar elm walnut camphor fir rosewood bamboo etc.目的:改进複方薄荷脑滴鼻液中樟脑的鑒别方法。Objective: to improve the identification method of camphor in compound menthol nasal erops.史密斯还挂有江湖郎中的头衔,他的另一个绰号是“黄樟”,那是他药水中常用的原料。Sassafras from his favorite source of a curative potion.用来使蛀虫远离储存的衣服的樟脑或萘的小圆球。A small sphere of camphor or naphthalene used to keep moths away from stored clothing.


丙酸芳樟酯 linalyl propionate

乙酸芳樟酯 linalyl acetate

二氢芳樟醇 dihydro linalool

合成樟脑 synthetic camphor

合成樟脑块 camphor tablet,synthetic

合成樟脑片 synthetic camphor tablet

合成樟脑粉 camphor powder,synthetic synthetic camphor powder

含有樟脑的 camphorated

呱嗪樟磺酸盐 piperazine camsilate

複方樟脑酊 compound tincture of camphor

天然提纯樟脑粉 natural refined camphor powder

天然樟脑 natural camphor

天然樟脑块 camphor tablet,natural natural camphor tablet

天然樟脑片 natural camphor tablet

天然樟脑粉 camphor powder,natural refined

异黄樟油素 iso-safrole

梓樟油 tamala oil

棕樟油 brown camphor oil

樟吡他胺 camphotamide

樟木 camphor wood

樟木箱 camphorwood chest

樟柳堿 anisodine

樟树 camphor tree

樟油 camphor wood oil

樟烯 laurolene

樟烯酸 laurolenic acid

樟烷酸 laurolanic acid

樟脑 camphor

樟脑丸 camphor ball moth ball

樟脑化白垩 camphorated chalk

