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scorpion [skɔ:piәn]



我们会很合得来,我是天蝎座We should get along well-me being a scorpio.我们要再闯蝎子湾We got to go to scorpion bay again.我是一只地地道道的天蝎,因为如果不去追寻爱情,人生就没有激情!I am a true scorpian for without the pursuit of love life is empty.我想她是天蝎座的。I think she's a scorpio.我知道,假如我可以喜欢女人,我也绝对不可能对如此一个蛇蝎婊子动半点心!I knew even if I were a straight man I would never fell in love with such a vicious whore.小而无毒的蜘蛛类节肢动物,形似无尾蝎。Small nonvenomous arachnid resembling a tailless scorpion.蝎子的毒钩在其尾部。Of a scorpion is in its tail.蝎子毒在尾上。The venom is in the tail.蝎子尾巴上有螫针。The scorpion has a sting in its tail.一个歹毒的人会变成蛇蝎,或者其他毒虫。”A person with a poisonous mind becomes a snake or a scorpion or some other poisonous insect.原来有人是天蝎座的Wow. Someone's a scorpio.在恐龙化石的石膏模子中,没有食物和水,蝎子也能存活15个月。Scorpion lives for15months without food or water inside plaster mold of a dinosaur fossil.增加蝎子的躲闪几率。Claw cover increases your scorpion's chance to parry.


全蝎 Buthus martensi karsch scorpion

天蝎座牌汽车 Scorpio

天蝎座牌汽车 Scorpio

家鸭白蝎子勾扎把 bundled domestic duck white curly tail

家鸭黑蝎子勾扎把 bundled domestic duck black curly tail

抗蝎毒血清 scorpion antivenin

蝎子 scorpion

蝎子毒液 scorpion venom

蝎子鱼 n. scorpionfish

蝎尾状聚伞花序 cincinnus, scorpioid cyme

蝎毒素 scorpion toxin

蝎虎天体 BL Lac object, Lacertid一种活动星系核,发射线极弱或完全观测不到,光度和偏振变化剧烈而不规则。其原型是蝎虎BL变源。

蝎蝽次目 Nepomorpha隐角椿象部

蝎螯伤 scorpion sting

