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仓储的英文翻译 仓储英文怎幺说 仓储的英文例句




    to store in a warehouse

store [stɔ:(r)]


warehouse [weәhaus]

    n.仓库,货栈,大商店 vt.贮入仓库,[经]以他人名义购进(股票)


陆上仓储管理与服务;Onshore warehouse management and service;


中国对外贸易仓储公司 China National Foreign Trade Storage Corporation

中转仓储 field warehousing

产品运输和仓储 traffic and warehousing

仓储 keep in a storehouse; grain storage; storage

仓储,仓库储存 warehousing; warehousing storage; storekeeping; storage

仓储业务 warehousing

仓储企业 storage enterprises

仓储作业 warehousing and storage activities

仓储保管人 depositary; storekeeper; warehouseman

仓储保管人的留置权 warehouseman''s lien

仓储保管人营业所所在地 place where the warehouseman''s business office is situated

仓储保管人营业所所在地法律 law of the place of the warehouseman''s business office

仓储保管合同 warehousing contract; warehouse bailment contract

仓储保管合同纠纷案件 controversy over warehousing contract

仓储入库费 warehouse and carrying charges

仓储制度 warehousing system

仓储单 landing account

仓储式乾燥器 bulk dryer

仓储成本 storage costs

仓储摊销 carry charge

仓储昆虫学 stored products entomology储物昆虫学仓储昆虫学)

仓储理货费 storage charge

仓储生态系统 storage ecosystem储藏生态系

仓储用地 land for warehouses

仓储的成本管理 cost management for warehousing

仓储系统 warehousing system

仓储者 depositary; storekeeper

仓储计画 silo program

仓储费 godown charges; warehouse charges; warehouse fee

仓储费用 carrying cost; warehouse expenses

